If you don't have Android Studio installed or if you prefer to use command line instead, running the following command should also allow to install the required API level (you should get asked if you accept the license agreement which you should to allow installation). After that you can click on the "SDK Platforms" tab and install required platform API levels. To accept the licenses, do sdkmanager -licenses, then press y.

Since Unity is using SDK from C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.13f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK you should specify this path in Android Studio's SDK manager as well. After you install it, youd still need its command line tools (sdkmanager and. You should see a similar window to this Note that at the top of this window you can specify a path to the SDK. If you have Android Studio installed, open any project with it (an empty one is fine as well), then go to Tools > SDK Manager. To do it by using sdkmanager it is easier just type this command on your CLI after configuring an environment variable called ANDROIDHOME pointing to your android sdk directory. The most user friendly way to do that is using Android Studio.

Android SDK requires you to accept some of the license agreements before it can install Platform API level 27. Install Android Studio Set up your Android device Set up the Android emulator Agree to Android Licenses.